Welcome to RapportTalk™ and the Return-to-Love Process™

Create a new member account

Our highest responsibility is to protect your personal information from unintended disclosure. 
See Data Confidentiality for specifics about our methods.

A subscription is free for 30 days. 
After that, we will ask you to pay a fee of $10 per month
to continue using the process more than twice per month. 

(This must be unique within our system.)

Your passsword is hashed using AES 256.

For greater privacy in your scripts, we recommend you use an alias instead of your real name.  When it's convenient, you can tell us your name and a lot more about you on the User Account Management page.

You conversation partner's gender identity:   
(You can change this at any time or for a specific situation)   

* Required fields


    I agree with the terms of service.
Terms of service -- Privacy policy


Customize your user interface


What do you prefer to call desired experiences that are unfulfilled   
in your troubling situations?   
(You can change this at any time or for a specific situation   
in User Account Management.)   

Select your primary culture (or the one you were raised in).  This will affect some choices shown to you in dropdown lists about relationships. 

Notice: Version 1.1 does not yet behave with knowledge of your cultural preference. 

At your leisure, please complete your more extensive profile with user-experience preferences.